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The teacher can form the mind and heart of his pupils and guide them to develop a total commitment to Christ, with their whole personality enriched by human culture.

(Lay Catholics in Schools: Witnesses to Faith, 40)

We follow the curriculum standards of the Diocese of Nashville.  Our classroom curriculum is based and designed not only to prepare your child for kindergarten, but to provide a firm foundation on which to build a Christian life. We use a comprehensive approach to teaching, incorporating centers, music, and dramatic play to support a theme. Our art projects reflect our themes and are designed to teach a specific skill. Themes change every 1-2 weeks. Our curriculum is designed to provide students with the early learning and literacy skills necessary for success in life!  

A communication folder is sent home each day, with notes, work, and behavior reports. Families will receive a weekly newsletter that contains what specific skills we will be working on that week, letter and number of the week, etc.

Pre-K students follow the uniform guidelines of the rest of the school.


​For the PreK-3 program, students must turn 3 by August 15, of the year enrolled.
For the PreK-4 program, students must turn 4 by August 15, of the year enrolled.

We believe that parents are the primary educators of their children and that because of each family's unique needs they should be given as much flexibility as possible in the education of their youngest children.  Because of this, we offer a variety of attendance options for our Pre K program.  All options are available for both PreK-3 and PreK-4. 

Full Time: 
Monday through Friday (7:45-3:00)

Part Time:
Four days a week
Three days a week.
Two days a week (Pre K-3 only)

Half day options are also available.

Arrival and Dismissal Times​
Arrival occurs between 7:15-7:45 am. Classes begin at 7:50 am.  
Dismissal occurs between 3:00-3:15 pm.  Parents pull up to the front of the school building and children are escorted to the cars a few at a time.  

Some families may choose to make use of our aftercare program.


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