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Moreover, the Catholic school is well aware that the community that it forms must be constantly nourished and compared with the sources from which the reason for its existence derives: the saving word of God in Sacred Scripture, in Tradition, above all liturgical and sacramental Tradition, enlightened by the Magisterium of the Church.

(Educating Together in Catholic Schools, A Shared Mission Between Consecrated Persons and the Lay Faithful, 26)

​St. Patrick School prepares students for the sacraments of Reconciliation, Holy Eucharist, and Confirmation. Students who belong to other parishes may, if they wish, receive the sacrament for the first time in their own parish.


Students in 2nd grade are prepared to receive the sacrament of Reconciliation. Preparation begins in October with a required parent meeting. Students are prepared within their daily religion classes.  
The sacrament is celebrated within a family-led morning retreat.

First Holy Communion

After receiving their First Reconciliation, students in 2nd grade prepare to receive their First Holy Communion. A required parent meeting precedes the beginning the program. Students receive preparation during their daily religion classes. Parents and students have a retreat day the week before the celebration of the sacrament, in which they have the opportunity to prepare specifically for the day of their First Holy Communion. First Holy Communion usually takes place the first Sunday of May at the Parish Sunday Mass.  

Catholic students in older grades who have not received their First Holy Communion may also be prepared to receive the sacrament.


St. Patrick School prepares the 7th and 8th grade students for the sacrament of Confirmation every other year. Preparation for the sacrament is spread throughout the religious curriculum for these grades during this year, and the students generally receive this sacrament in May.
The sacramental program of Confirmation consists of a required parent meeting to promote a family-school connection in the faith life of the students.
The school program focuses on the meaning of the sacrament: receiving the fullness of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, and being strengthened by the Holy Spirit.  The students are encouraged to participate in acts of service, which mark a growth in manifesting one's Christian faith.  The students attend a retreat in preparation for the sacrament.

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