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The instruction and education in a Catholic school must be grounded in the principles of Catholic doctrine; teachers are to be outstanding in correct doctrine and integrity of life.

(Code of Canon Law, 803, ยง2)

Faith permeates the life of our school.  

The children have opportunities throughout the day to truly encounter Christ as a living Person who loves and cares for each one of them.  Every day begins and ends with prayer and teachers pray with their classes throughout the day.  Teachers and students join together in prayer at Mass and have opportunities to participate in the sacraments.  Special events such as the Living Rosary, All Saints Day, and Christmas Pageant are highlights of each year.  Students are formed in moral decision making with our Virtue Education Program, with a school-wide focus on a different virtue each month.  Each class participates in service projects in order to form the habit of kindness for others.  Those who visit our school often comment that they can feel the difference.  We believe the difference is Christ!   

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