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Uniform Requirements

BOYS: Dress uniform: (worn every Friday): 

  •  Khaki slacks with no more than 4 pockets (2 in front, 2 in back), plain with no ornamentation (no faddish styles, denim, or corduroy). 
  • Khaki slacks may have an elastic waist for students in Pre-K and Kindergarten. However, this is not permitted for older students. 
  • 1st-8th grade students should wear a belt with their khaki slacks. 
  • White oxford cloth shirt (long or short-sleeved) with school patch 
  • (optional) Forest green sweater with school patch  

Casual uniform options: (Monday-Thursday): 

  • Forest green or white knit shirt with logo 
  • Forest green sweater, ¼ zip sweatshirt, or fleece with school patch/logo 
  • Khaki shorts may be worn until October 31 and after Spring Beak. 
  • Khaki slacks or shorts may have an elastic waist for students in Pre-K and Kindergarten. However, this is not permitted for older students. 
  • 1st-8th grade students should wear a belt with their khaki slacks or shorts. 

Every day: 

  • Shirts must be tucked in with black or brown belt visible. Shirts may be long or short-sleeved. 
  • School uniform shirts must be worn under uniform sweatshirts or sweaters. 
  • Shirts worn underneath uniforms must be white without writing .
  • Patches may be purchased in the office for shirts without a St. Patrick logo.

Dress Uniform: (worn every Friday): 

  • Plaid skirt or jumper. Hemlines should be to the knees. Hems must be sewn. Pins, staples, and tape are not allowed. Shorts are required under skirts and jumpers. 
  • White Oxford cloth blouse with logo/school patch (Grades 5-8) or white blouse with butterfly collar with logo/school patch if worn with skirt (not jumper) (Grades K-4th). 
  • Forest green sweater with school patch (optional).

Casual Uniform options (Monday-Thursday): 

  • Plaid skirt, skort (Grades PreK-4th), or jumper. Hemlines should be to the knees. Hems must be sewn. Pins, staples, and tape are not allowed. Shorts are required under skirts and jumpers. 
  • Navy skort. 
  • Khaki slacks with no more than 4 pockets (2 in front, 2 in back), plain with no ornamentation. No faddish styles should be worn: i.e., hiphuggers, flared legs, denim, corduroy, skin-tight, etc. 
  • Khaki shorts may be worn until October 31 and after Spring Break. 
  • Khaki slacks or shorts may have an elastic waist for students in Pre-K and Kindergarten. However, this is not permitted for older students. 
  • 1st-8th grade students should wear a belt with their khaki slacks or shorts. 
  • Forest green or white knit shirts with logo or patch. 
  • Forest green sweater, ¼ zip sweatshirt, or fleece, with school patch/logo.

Every day: 

  • Shirts must have a collar and be tucked in with black or brown belt visible. 
  • Shirts may be long or short-sleeved. 
  • School uniform shirts must be worn under uniform sweatshirts or sweaters. 
  • Shirts worn underneath uniforms must be white without writing. 
  • Undergarments should be seen through blouses or shirts and should be white. 
  • Patches may be purchased in the office. 
  • Any dress shoe of a solid color with all laces tied. Recommended shoes include: penny loafers, oxfords, saddle shoes for girls (white and black or navy), t-straps for girls, or any solid colored dress shoe. 
  • Black or white tennis shoes without any other color. Tennis shoes are required on PE days. 
  • For reasons of safety, no boots (including Uggs), sandals, clogs, stacks, mules/slides, platforms, or any shoes with open toes, sides or heels may be worn. 
  • Socks (forest green, black, navy, or white; knee or crew) must be worn at all times. Socks must have a cuff that naturally covers the ankle. In winter months and when the temperatures are cool, girls may wear black, white or forest green tights or leggings under their skirts/jumpers. 

On the days students have P.E. classes, students bring their P.E. uniform to school to change into for P.E. class. The P.E. uniform consists of the most recent Fun Run T-shirt issued by the school and the school issued P.E. shorts. The shorts should follow other uniform guidelines, so when students outgrow them, new shorts should be purchased. Starting in the 2023-2024 school year, parents will assume costs for the P.E. shorts. They must be purchased them through the school or through our uniform providers, Flynn O'Hara or School Belles. Students wear their school tennis shoes for P.E. class. They must also wear socks that cover the ankle. 

  • Same for boys and girls.
  • Grades 2-8.
  • Gym shorts with logo.  
  • Most recent Fun Run t-shirt. New students will be provided a t-shirt at the beginning of school. After the Fun Run, the new shirt for the year will be worn by all students. 
  • Gym shorts must be knee-length and have the school shield printed on the shorts. 
  • Tennis Shoes which follow the regular school policy (see shoe section).
  • Forest green sweater, Forest green ¼ zip sweatshirt, or Forest green fleece with school patch/logo may be worn in the school buildings for additional warmth. 
  • Other sweaters, sweatshirts, and fleeces are not permitted. 
  • T-shirts may be worn under uniform shirts but should be solid white (no color, print, design, etc.). Solid white or forest green turtleneck shirts may be worn under the shirts or sweaters for warmth. Long-sleeve shirts should not be worn beneath short-sleeve shirts.  
  • In cold weather girls may wear forest green, black or white tights or black or white leggings under their skirts. 
  • Appropriately heavy coats should be worn to school in cold weather. Students will go outside to recess unless the temperature is below 32 degrees. 
  • Jewelry should be plain, simple and worn in a conservative style. 
  • A single chain with a religious symbol, a single ring on one hand and a watch are acceptable for boys and girls. 
  • Girls only may wear one pair of post style earrings, no hoops and no larger than a dime. Girls may also wear small, simple hair accessories. 
  • No miscellaneous body piercing is acceptable. 
  • No make-up, finger nail polish, or false nails are permitted. No other accessories are permitted. 
  • Hair should be clean and neatly combed. Hair must be kept out of eyes. 
  • Boys should keep hair length above the eyebrows, collar, and the ears. 
  • No extreme hairstyles are permitted, including tinted hair, “tails,” Mohawks, mullets, or shaven heads. 
  • Hair styles may be layered but generally equal in length. 
  • It is left to the discretion of the school to determine if hairstyles are considered extreme, distracting, or in keeping with the school’s mission. 
  • On each last Wednesday of the month, students may show their St. Patrick School spirit by wearing a St. Patrick’s T-shirt (this includes Irish Picnic shirts) and/or sweatshirt. Students may also wear a plain green shirt or one with an “Irish” theme.  
  • Students may wear either jeans that follow the out of uniform guidelines or wear their uniform bottoms.  
  • Tennis shoes may also be worn.  
  • Other regulations for out-of-uniform days (above) pertain to these days. 
  • Any student receiving a uniform violation during that month must come in uniform on Spirit Wear Days. 
  • Parents will be called to bring suitable clothes or the student’s uniform for those who fail to follow these guidelines. 

Students may be allowed by the principal to come out of uniform for special occasions provided the following guidelines are observed: 

  • Clothing must be free of holes and tears. 
  • No tank tops, “see through”, advertisements, suggestive pictures or messages on shirts. Midriff should be covered. 
  • No tight pants may be worn. This includes leggings and skinny jeans. Leggings are only permitted under skirts, dresses, or tops that come to the knees.
  • Shorts must be longer than the fingertips when hands hang at the side. No bicycle shorts, spandex, “cutoffs,” or short shorts. No jogging suits. 
  • No make-up.
  • No earrings for boys. 
  • Students will look neat and clean at all times. 
  • For reasons of safety, no boots (including Uggs), sandals, clogs, stacks, mules/slides, platforms, or any shoes with open toes, sides or heels may be worn at any time. 

Uniform Venders

SPS Code: TN015

SPS Code: S3086

Employment Oppor