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Tuition Rates

2025-26 School Year
All tuition and fees must be paid through FACTS Tuition Management System.  All families must set up a payment plan.  The following payment plans are available: annual, semiannual, quarterly, 10-month and 12-month. There is a fee for each payment, the amount of which is dependent on the plan chosen. Payments typically begin in July. Payments may be withdrawn on the 1st or 15th of the month (family’s choice). There is a fee that is charged when the plan is selected.


Enrollment: $100 ($25 discount for registration before March 15)
Materials Fee: $75
Activity Fee: $75 with first tuition payment (covers: Field trips, Field day, yearbook) 
FACTS Fee: Dependent on Payment Plan Selected

​​Annual Tuition:
Full Day (7:45-3:00)
$5000.00 5 days/week 
$4800.00 4 days/week 
$4600.00 3 days/week
$4400.00 2 days/week (PreK-3 only)

Students are welcome to come to school for a half day; however, the same tuition rate applies.

K-8 Tuition
Enrollment: $100 per child ($25 discount for registration before March 15; covered in the Application and Enrollment Packet fees)
Books and Material Fee: $175 (spread over all tuition payments)
Activity Fee: $100 (covers: Field trips, Field day, yearbook)
FACTS Financial Fee: Dependent on Payment Plan Selected during Enrollment

Annual Tuition:
First child $5520
Second child $5020
Third child $4520
Fourth child $4020
Fifth child: free

​Catholic students K-8th grade can receive $1000 subsidy from their parish if they apply for the subsidy at their parish office. Requirements for the subsidy include that the family are 

1) registered parishioners, 

2) attend Mass regularly at their parish (Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation), and 

3) contribute to the parish using online giving or the parish envelope system. 

Some parishes also may require a six month membership before a family is eligible for the subsidy. Catholic families should not apply if they do not think they meet all the requirements for the subsidy as the subsidy is meant for active parishioners. Approval for the parish subsidy is at the discretion of the pastor. The pastor communicates with the families and the school about whether or not they are approved for the subsidy. Forms of application may be requested from the parish office. We encourage all families who meet the requirements to apply for the parish subsidy.

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