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Financial Aid

Saint Patrick School believes all families should have the opportunity to choose Saint Patrick School, and we work diligently to keep our tuition affordable through several major fundraisers throughout the year. We also understand this investment is still a stretch for some families. Need-based financial aid is available. Financial aid awards are based on a comprehensive evaluation of each family’s unique financial situation and funds available.

Eileen Mullinicks Memorial Scholarship

Eileen loved St. Patrick School. She had many cherished memories that impacted her life from her time at St. Patrick’s. One of those impacts was the friendships she made during her time here at school. Those friendships continued throughout the years and became lifelong. She was truly blessed by God with great friends. She, in return, was a great friend and exhibited virtues which were taught to her here at St. Patrick. A few of the virtues that she exhibited towards her friends were patience, charity, forgiveness, and generosity. She truly was a great friend to all, especially to St. Patrick School! This scholarship, established in 2025, will provide two $500 scholarships this first year for current St. Patrick School students, and one scholarship of the same amount annually thereafter.

Nicole Moore Memorial Scholarship

Nicole graduated in 2008 and left St. Patrick students with a beautiful example redemptive suffering--uniting her sufferings with Christ Jesus. Even in the midst of great sufferings and difficulties, she grew in her faith. They didn't conquer her, but made her stronger. Her virtues of faith, kindness, and joy will be a light for many future SPS students.  This scholarship in her name, established in 2020, provides one $500 scholarships each year for current St. Patrick School students. 

David Daniel Memorial Scholarship

Mr. David Daniel was a long time parishioner and supporter of St. Patrick Catholic School. He left a legacy of honor, integrity, and service when he went home to the Father. This scholarship, established in 2018 in his honor, gives a helping hand to the next generation of St. Patrick School children. Two $500 tuition scholarships are awarded every year to current students so that they can continue their education at the school Mr. Daniel loved and supported.

The Frank & Pearl Walsh Scholarship

This scholarship is given in loving memory of Frank and Pearl Walsh. Frank and Pearl Walsh were faithful parishioners of St. Patrick Church and dedicated supporters of St. Patrick School. Mr. Frank graduated from St. Patrick’s School in 1925. He faithfully served at the church, school, and Irish picnic for over 75 years. For over 50 years he was the holder of the “secret sauce” barbecue recipe, as well as its maker. Mrs. Pearl faithfully served in the school cafeteria. She would often feed students with food that she grew in her own garden. She entrusted St. Patrick’s School with the education of her beloved children. A $1000.00 tuition scholarship will be awarded annually to a current St. Patrick School family with multiple students attending St. Patrick.

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